29 March 2014
Max Factor Facefinity All-Day Primer*

I'm all about primers at the moment. There is nothing worse than applying your foundation to perfection, only for it to have rubbed/melted/fallen off your face by midday. Max Factor Facefinity All-Day Primer is the latest addition to my collection.

15 March 2014
So as most of you should be aware by now we all like to spend a lot of money on 'geek' fashion, this ranges from various leggings, t-shirts and even dresses we have. We get asked where we get all of our clothes from - so we thought we would list our top online shops!

6 March 2014

Fuelled by cheesy poofs, you’re the new kid in town just looking to make friends. Thrown in at the deep end, you meet Cartman and friends who are on a quest to take back the Stick of Truth from the Elves (Kyle and his friends). You know, because if you have the Stick of Truth you control the Universe….duh!

5 March 2014
You are the first ever Ninja, fighting Space Robot Nazi's in under 10 seconds per level! What more could you want from a game?

We managed to get an interview with the creator of the game BAFTA award winner Dan Pearce to ask him a few more questions about the game and how it came to be.


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