1 March 2014
So it's my birthday on Monday - I thought I'd make a wishlist of everything I plan on buying with my birthday money, and hopefully the little bits I've hinted at my boyfriend to buy me! 

| 1. Lemongrab Figure - I love adventure time! | 2. Blackmilk Westeros Leggings | 3. Scented candles | 4. Lush Valentines day giftset  - I know it's late but I couldn't afford it at the time! | 5. JJ Abrams - S. | 6. New Xbox controllers - possibly the Chrome purple one! | 7. Trigger Happy Havoc on PS Vita | 8. Frozen on Blu-Ray | 9. CHOCOLATES! | 10. Selection of Lush bathbombs. | 11. A fresh pair of DMs. |

I don't intend on buying all of this, but I have a few pennies saved away to spend also - so it'll be nice to go shopping on Wednesday and not feel guilty about spending money!

What are you looking forward to on your birthday this year?

Amy x


  1. I really want so Blackmilk GoT leggings as well. But they are a bit (completely) out of my price range. :( They are so cool!

    1. Luckily I have some money saved up for these! >.< It'll be my birthday blackmilk purchase! I can't wait :)

  2. Well, I've already had my birthday, but I got a brand new camera and a telescope which were really cool, plus my girlfriend got me a watch, so it was good!



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