7 April 2015

Hey all I just thought I would give you a little personal update with some of my up-coming projects away from the blog and my youtube. 

I have recently partnered up with a few friends and we are starting a weekly gaming podcast, now this is a really exciting project for me because I've wanted to do a podcast for about 3 years but I've never found people willing to get on board. So now I am working with two very interesting guys, Jas and Mike and we will be letting you in on our weekly gaming banter. Check out our twitter page for more info. 

Now I am also starting a weekly streaming session on my PS4 through Twitch, I am beginning this Friday with a borderlands 2 play-through with special guests appearing each week, please feel free to subscribe and check it out! 

And this will all be alongside my reviews on The Glim Glam and my unboxings on the ObvItsAmy youtube channel, I really hope you all enjoy this exciting new content! 

Amy x


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