All picture credit to Techland |
Dying Light comes from the creators of the original Dead Island and it brings an element of parkour into a first-person melee combat game. This game brings the similar crafting elements of Dead Island with it too, and after dates being pushed back on release it caused quite a speculation as to whether the game knew what it was or not.
Firstly the game is beautiful, even from the opening cut scene, looking out of a plane the world looks spectacular. Which as first impressions go on a next gen console, A+. Once you have played through the prologue you can then explore, you don't have to rush to complete the story, so you get a chance to perfect your parkour or even just run around leading zombies to various hazard points.
There are three skill trees, Agility, Power and Survival and once you begin upgrading these you become great at parkour, crafting and just escaping hordes of enemies. The game is really REALLY fun, especially if you're the kind of person who enjoys running around bashing some zombies heads in with melee combat and then sitting on the rooftops figuring out where you can go and explore next to find some awesome crafting gear.
So daytime is all fun and games, building up your skill trees to become the ultimate zombie hunter power house man, however when Nighttime hits it's a completely different story. Now the game had always mentioned it's use of day/night but I didn't quite expect it to be as terrifying as this.
At night you don't have many options especially as Volatiles will be out and about, but luckily they're marked on your map - so I spent a lot of time avoiding them and being sneaky as they did not seem like the friendliest monster. However the one perk of night is that the exp is doubled so if you want to risk it it's totally worth it. My only main issue with the game is that for a survival game your bag holds no boundaries, you can hold so much stuff in your pockets it's crazy! It should definitely have more of an 'hold 10 items' mode to it so it makes it that little bit more intense.
I don't want to go into too much depth about the plot and storyline for now, but it's not the strongest zombie survival story I've come across. I definitely spent more time playing around in free roam than I did doing story missions - however a bonus is you can skip cutscenes if you fancy it.
Overall I found the game really fun if you're the kind of person who likes to explore the world in-games and craft. It's definitely good for making up your own scenario's. I would definitely urge people to give this one ago if you like any kind of open world exploration zombie survival crafting game.
I have not had a chance to try out the Be A Zombie mode yet, but I will keep you updated on my Twitter so to what I thought on this aspect of the game.
Also check to find out more info and physical release dates for your territory, check it out here.
Amy x
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