26 October 2015

Sorry about the creases! 
I'm back again with another nerdy cross stitch creation, this time I was doing a belated father's day present for my Dad - this post IS super late, as it's been drafted, but I forgot to click publish...oops.

He really loves The Goonies and picked this pattern himself, anyone who knows cross stitching will know that the fabric comes in different sizes, so naturally my Dad decided he wanted a 18 count piece which has taken me AGES. (Around 2 months in total - after taking a couple of weeks away from it)

However I am really pleased with the final result and I thought I would share with you some of my process pictures, because it took me so long. On a personal level this was one of my most enjoyable pieces, seeing it come together was really satisfying.

If you would like this design, you can pick it up from this lovely Etsy seller here for just £3.60 - check out her other bits as she does some awesome nerdy patterns.

Amy x

24 October 2015
I have always been the kind of person who loves to sit down and play a game of Monopoly with my family, or delve into Magic The Gathering tournaments with a group of friends. And over the past year I've become more and more interested in board (and card) games.

Recently I was approached by Esdevium Games and asked if I would like to sample some board games which suited my style, I of course said yes - also giving me the excuse to make my friends test them out with me. 

The first one I tried was a game called Dobble, now I have heard lots about this game, especially that it is a pretty simplistic game - but has at least 3 different ways to play. 

The packaging of the game was very simple and small, the fact it came in a handy little tin meant that I could carry it around in my bag and not having that worry about the box opening or getting squashed in my travels. I commute to London every single day so bringing this into work for lunch times was easy. 

This is also the kind of board game you can play with pretty much all ages...or could turn into a very interesting drinking game.

'Dobble is a visual perception card game for 2-8 players aged 6 and up in which players race to find the one matching image between one card and another.'

So it sounds pretty simple right? Well it's not as easy as it looks, I for one struggled to spot the matching image many times, it can vary in size too. But it turned out to be some of the most fun I've had with a game in a while. Lots of shouting and laughing was had. And you end up shouting a ridiculous mish-mash of words, like 'Trecat' and 'Snorse', it's basically you freaking out and trying to shout the name of the matching symbol before everyone else and then sounding like a moron when you get it wrong. 

The game comes with instructions that give you 3 different ways to play, all very simple and can be picked up easily by all ages. Because of this simplistic way to play it does not give an advantage to an age group, loosing to my 10 year old brother was rather embarrassing when he was shouting 'loser, loser' in my face...

I really enjoyed Dobble and I will definitely be getting it back out again (Christmas dinner table game for sure) soon, and surprisingly has lots of replay-ability which I didn't quite think was possible from a game with such a small concept behind it.

If you do want to find out more about Dobble you can check it out here  
The game has an RRP of £12.99 and is available form Waterstones on the high street, as well as online at Tesco, Argos and WHSmith.
Amy x


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